
BizWiz Brands Inc. - Shop - Social Media - Social Media Management: Level 1

Social Media Management: Level 1


Dedicated Social Media Marketing Manager with unlimited email support Posting to Facebook and LinkedIn 6 days a week, and Twitter 5 days a week Level 1 can also be Instagram alone with 5 posts a week instead of the other profiles above We will curate and post an array of content uniquely created for your […]



  • Dedicated Social Media Marketing Manager with unlimited email support
  • Posting to Facebook and LinkedIn 6 days a week, and Twitter 5 days a week
  • Level 1 can also be Instagram alone with 5 posts a week instead of the other profiles
  • above
  • We will curate and post an array of content uniquely created for your social presence, all of which will help keep your name in front of potential customers and referral sources
  • Regular promotional posts to highlight your services and products
  • You will not receive the posts in advance for review, but you can always work with your manager to refine content as we post each day